Setting Up My Own Microbrewery and Beer Brewing Course (4 day course) (SOLD OUT)

There are 4 elements to this four day intensive course which will equip you with all the business and technical essentials of setting up your own microbrewery and enable you to start brewing on a commercial scale:
DAY 1 - (10 am - 5 pm) Microbrewery Essentials
Master Brewer Alex Barlow will take you through all the key essentials of setting up your own micro-brewery by drawing on his recent experience of designing and commissioning the new brewery for Purity in Warwickshire and another brewery in Turkey. On this day of “Setting up a Microbrewery Course” you will cover the following:
• Beer tasting and flavour assessment
• Creating a winning beer and brand
• Marketing and selling your beer
• Cleaning and Hygiene
• Premises suitability and equipment
• Liquor Water treatment
• Premises suitability and equipment
• Racking, casking and fining
• Business start up advice
• Useful contacts and sources of info
• Further study sources
This course aims to give those people with ambitions of setting up their own microbrewery either now or in the future all the basic skills and knowledge to make their 'brewing dream' a reality.
A hot lunch will be served in a gastro pub in Bakewell.
All equipment & course notes to be provided by Brew-School.
DAY 2 - (9:30 am - 4:30 pm) Finance & Design
On the second day we look at in depth into th topics of brewery design and finance optionswith expert brewing consultant Dick Murton along with a number of finance experts to see how you can finance your the start up or expansion of your brewery project.
DAY 3 - (9.30 am - 4.30 pm) Microbrewery Insights
This day is designed to give you an essential 'real life' insight into what it is like to set up your own microbrewery and how to learn from the microbrewers experiences.
The day begins with a session from Rob Evans owner of the renowned Peak Ales Brewery on the Chatsworth Estate. Rob takes you through his personal experiences of setting up a brewery using an unconverted farm building through to running his 10 barrel microbrewery along with the latest developments on his move to a larger purpose built premises nearby. His session includes his DOs & DONTs, an insight into his particular business model and view on the current market.
You will then be taken onto the fabulous Chatsworth Estate to Peak Ales Barn Brewery. Rob will take you on a tour of the brewery answering questions on the way it works and beer production on site. This will be followed by a short Q & A session.
Before lunch you receive a fascinating insight into pricing and costing your beer. Find out through a group exercise facilitated by Chris Holden the former head of the isights team at one of the worlds biggest brewers Molson Coors.
Lunch is at a renowned Bakewell gastropub a short walk away from the Mill.
In the afteroon prepare to have all your brewing preconceptions upended as Adrian Corke owner of both Staffordshire Brewery and Staffordshire Brewing Supplies talks you through his brewing journey and experiences. Adrian owns one the largest contract bottling lines in the country and will open your eyes to the many routes to market for your beer.
Following that we will have a short Q & A session after which you are then free to explore the pubs and delights of Bakewell with your fellow students.
DAY 4 - (9:30 am - 4:30 pm) Beer Brewing Day
Tom Newman is an independent brewing consultant and to say brewing is in his DNA would not be overstating his enthusiasm and experience of his craft. He started as an enthusiastic homebrewer. He then went on to set up his own brewery the Celt Experience selling his beers to supermarkets. He has recently set up a new brewery Brewlines he has also lectured at Sunderlands Brewlab. As well as an ideal introduction for home brewers this is the perfect course for those who have ambitions of setting up their own microbrewery and want to gain an understanding of the basic brewing process.
Along the way he'll talk you through:
* The brewing process
* The ingredients: malt, hops, yeast and the importance of 'water'
* How to bottle beer successfully including some useful tips from an experienced brewer.
Tom will explain and show the 'sparge and boil'' so that at you have a clear understanding of the full home brewing process. At the end of the course students will have the skill and knowledge to be able to create their own varied and professional tasting beers at home with just basic home brewing equipment.
This course includes refreshments of coffee & artisan biscuits and a Peak District ploughmans for lunch.
All ingredients, equipment & course notes are provided by Brew-School.
Have a look at some images from one of our recent beer brewing courses.
Please note the order of the days may alter depending on tutor availability.
Self catering accommodation is available at Bagshaw Halls Sleep Lodge a short 5 minute walk from the School for the 4 nights. To reserve your accommodation please just email : or phone us on 0114 383 0150.
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