Practical Commercial Brewing Course (GCB) (5 Day) (LAST 2 PLACES)

During this 5 day course you will cover all the practical & theoretical elements of the brewing process which will enable you to go on and sit the Institute of Brewing & Distilling (IBD) recognised brewing examination (please note an additional fee is required to be paid direct to the IBD to sit this optional exam). During the 5 days we will observe the various stages of a commercial brew on award winning Derbyshire microbrewery Brampton Brewery's 9 BBL kit and look at the practice and the theory of commercial brewing. For more information on the General Certificate of Brewing join this Facebook page.
Brewing in a commercial brewery
In addition to the class based elements there will be the visit to Brampton Brewery and another Microbrewery in the area and you will have opportunities to talk with and share ideas with fellow brewers about creating beers and the whole brewing process.
A commercial brewing qualification
This course is ideal for:
- Junior brewers looking to sit the IBD exams and obtain the General Certificate in Brewing qualification.
- People in the microbrewing sector looking to gain a better understanding and insight of the commercial brewing process. looking at the theory behind brewing
- Those looking to start up a microbrewery or brewery based business to gain a basic but detailed technical understanding of the commercial production of beer.
The full syllabus for the GCB course is available here and FUNDING may be available up to 85% of the cost of the course for brewers currently working in the brewing industry depending on their financial circumstances. For details email:
An outline of the 5 day course is as follows:
Beer Styles * Malting * Adjuncts * Mash Conversion * Milling * Mash separation
Wort Boiling * Fermentation theory * Fermentation principles * Brewing yeast
Beer maturation & Cold storage * Beer Prep Bright Beer * Beer Quality & process
Beer Flavour
Microbiology * Quality Systems * Cleaning Detergents * CIP * Water & Effluent
Process gases * Environment * Exam techniques
The course will take place at Hartingtons School of Food in Bakewell but will include visits to 2 microbreweries as outlined above
The course ie led by Master Brewer Dick Murton in addition to a number of other expert speakers
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Dates | Price | Tutor | Spaces | |
09-10-2023 | £895 | Dick Murton | No |