Cider making
The UK cider market is the largest in the world and represents 38% of the world cider market by volume. Cider is part of the UKs craft drinks heritage and making artisan cider is a massive tradition in many parts of the UK. Our Cider making courses will help you understand the basic techniques of cider making and look at how these can be expanded so you can make cider commercially for sale.

Cider Making Course (Advanced) - General Certificate of Cider Making (2 day) (NEW - 2023)
This Cider Making Course is spread over 2 days is ideal for cider makers looking at up skilling their cider making knowledge either to help them produce high quality at home or to allow them to develop their own cider making business.

Cider Making Course (NEW DATE)
On this cider making course join renowned cider maker Kieran Aylward from the artisan cider making business based in Devon. This cider making course is an ideal introduction for those wanting to just get going or those who wish to share the experience and knowledge of a commercial artisan cider producer.